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Ikoyi Island, 2022
Delphine Denereaz

Metal and weaving, laser cutting and weaving

Delphine Denereaz has been selected for the Passages residency. In Lagos, she benefited from the technical support of the African Artists Foundation, a foundation promoting contemporary art.
During her residency, Delphine Denereaz worked on a mixture of materials, including that of metal, which she used in tapestries as part of an artisanal know-how.

Ikoji Island 

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Production residency

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8 weeks

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AAF presentation



African Artist's Foundation

"I drew a frame which was then cut from a sheet of metal. This frame evokes Lagos and reflects my feelings in this city. Its chaos, its noise, its smells where everyone seems to find their place, its nature which seems to want explode behind the walls of the gardens. There is a lot of metal in Lagos: fences, barbed wire, around the buildings. It protects the houses, their entrances, their interiors.


I wove flowers into this cutout frame, with shimmering fabrics found at the Tejuosho market. Avalanche of patterns, colors like the encounters I have there; warm, funny and curious people. This city is buzzing.


Flowers are what we bring when we are invited to someone's house, to please, to thank. Flowers are also what bring an interior to life, especially since it is the most common pattern on textiles across the world. It's universal. "



The artist is called within the framework of this residence, to collaborate with an art profession to lead to the creation of a common work.

For this, Delphine Denereaz collaborated with artisans Adenle Olukunle and Betzalel Alvin.

"This frame evokes Lagos and reflects my feelings in this city. Its chaos, its noise, its smells where everyone seems to find their place, its nature which seems to want to explode behind the walls of the gardens."
© Making of: Ọlájídé Ayẹni, South side.
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African Artist Foundation'


Established in 2007 in Lagos, Nigeria, African Artist Foundation' aims to encourage the highest level of art in Africa. African Artist Foundation' plays an important role in the artistic and academic communities by organizing art exhibitions, festivals, competitions, residencies and workshops with the aim of discovering and developing talents, raising awareness in society and provide a platform to express creativity.



Founded in 2017, Versant Sud coordinates artist residencies, facilitates the artist's connection to the art market and imagines art history conferences in southern latitudes.


       Currently: 1 Marseille/Lagos cross-residency, Find us on Artsy

Contemporary Art & Discussions


9 rue Gustave Ricard

13006 Marseilles

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