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Port, Door, Porter​ 2019
Clay, cement, pigment, jute, raffia, wool, synthetic fibers, aluminum
187 x 169 x 11cm
Produced by the Senegalese Manufactures of Decorative Arts

Invited by the Blachère Foundation, for a residency led by Versant Sud in Senegal, Luam Melake drew her initial inspiration for the tapestry from the book Portes d'Afrique by Rahim Danto Barry, which traces the many material and symbolic thresholds of Africa. Sub-Saharan. 

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Port, Gate, Carry

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Production residency

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4 weeks

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AAF Presentation



Blachere Foundation

The work “Port, Porte, Porter” reveals to us a door then a port, two symbolic thresholds leading inevitably to changes. Port access has a profound impact on the development of a culture and its trade, particularly in Africa where the continent has long benefited from international trade routes and been marked by slavery and colonialism. The port is a place where intercultural encounters begin and where societies are reshaped by exposure to new influences.


Similarly, for many West African cultures, the door is seen as a portal, an architectural space through which one undergoes a series of experiences. Exposure to different contexts, indoors or outdoors, public or private spaces, can affect us both physically and emotionally. While the door marks the beginning of a new experience for an individual, the port mixes societies. The title imagined in French  "Port, Porte, Porter" merges these two metaphors through their common linguistic roots.

The work combines innovation with the traditional technique of Aubusson tapestry through its three-dimensionality and its materials. The materials added to the surface or woven into the work are inspired by the architecture shown in the image. The work is therefore located at the intersection of painting, sculpture, textiles and architecture, thus continuing Luam Melake's interest in interdisciplinary approaches.

The artist collaborated with Les Manufactures Sénégalaises des Arts Décoratifs de Thiès, for the realization of his work. After more than fifty years of activity, the Senegalese Manufactures of Decorative Arts of Thiès constitute a reference in artistic production and in the development of cultural and creative industries in Africa.

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© Making of :  Colin Conces, South side
"I want to push the tapestry towards three-dimensional shapes. For many West African cultures, the door is seen as a portal, an architectural space through which one undergoes a series of experiences."

in partnership with 


Blachere Foundation

The Jean-Paul Blachère corporate foundation, since 2004, wants to participate in the development of Africa by helping contemporary creation and the promotion of its artists. In its art center, it presents exhibitions and welcomes artists in residence. She also organizes creative workshops in Africa and Europe and participates in major African biennials, including that of Dakar in particular. She is in charge of the conservation of the works of the Blachère Collection.

Founded in 2017, Versant Sud coordinates artist residencies, facilitates the artist's connection to the art market and imagines art history conferences in southern latitudes.

       Currently: 1 Marseille/Lagos cross-residency, Find us on Artsy

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Contemporary Art & Discussions

9 rue Gustave Ricard

13006 Marseilles

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